Below are pictures of cats I have
bred or owned in the past who are no longer with us.

Bellis Amberleigh - Chocolate point
Siamese. She sadly died aged 2 years of pneumonia on 19th Decmber 2006. She will
be very much missed. She does leave her daughter, Bellis Dazzle, with me to
continue her line.
Bellis Millennium Star
- Blue point Siamese. Sadly died too young, just
1 year old.

Bellis Iola, seal point, with daughters Bellis Della and Bellis Amberleigh,
chocolate points, who stayed to continue the Bellis line. Iola was put to sleep
aged 11 to save further suffering from mammary tumours.
Palu Tailltu, Oriental Black, who was my shadow for 16 wonderful years. She
started a dynasty which is still going strong and all my current cats are
descended from this wonderful character. She was very, very special. (1993-2010)

Bellis Pippistrelle. Sadly now joins this list.
She was Palu's daughter and mother to Bellis Iola, therefore grandmother to
Bellis Della seen with her in the above picture. She was a very sweet and endearing character. She was
lively to the end. (1995-2012)
Bellis Della. She too joins the list of
beloved cats no longer here. She was daughter of Bellis Iola and mother to
Champion Bellis Copper who is still here, but now retired, and Bellis Damona,
see below. (2004-2014)
Bellis Damona sadly also joins this list. She
was a quiet, undemanding sweetie and will leave a large whole in the family. She
was the daughter of Bellis Della above. Her daughter Bells Tawny
is still here - the last of this line. (2006-2015)
Bellis Dazzle also joins this list. She was a very, very special cat to me
and I miss her greatly. She was a sweet and loving girl, full of character and a
wonderful mum to her babies, and other babies too. Her daughter Champion
Bellis Springtime carried on her line. (2006 - 2015)
Champion Bellis Springtime has gone far too soon. She
died suddenly, leaving another huge gap in the household. She was a quiet girl
and an unbelievable mother. Her daughter Champion Bellis Summertime now carries
the responsibility of maintaining this wonderful line of tabby points. (2011 -
Bellis Copper (Havana) Seen here with her last kitten, Bellis Fudge. She
is the daughter of Bellis Della, She lived with Alan where she was company for Bellis Cassius. Sadly
she is no longer with us, neither is Cassius
Rescued Cats
Whiskers - Oriental Tortie - rescued after been turned out to fend for
herself. She lived here for many years to be approximately 13 years old.
Tippy - rescued as a very poorly kitten but lived to be 17 years of
Blackman, Chummy, Dindy, Sweetie and Tufty - whole litter rescued from
a farm. Now all gone, but not forgotten.